奇宝库 > 美国网友问:我们美国该怎么做才能遏制中国的增长和发展?美国公民unitedstatesamerican





Tell me, why can"t China become the largest economy in the world?


The population of China is more than three times that of the United States. The per capita GDP of China is US $10000, while that of the United States is US $60000. When China"s per capita GDP reaches 25000 US dollars, China"s GDP will surpass that of the United States and become the largest economy in the world.


But remember, the per capita GDP of the United States is still 60000 dollars, and every American is still more than twice as rich as every Chinese.


There are also 46 countries with per capita GDP exceeding US $25000! Brunei"s GDP per capita is 31000 US dollars! The per capita GDP of Slovenia and Estonia both exceeded US $25000.


The Chinese people want to work hard to achieve the living standard of Slovenians. Does this need the approval of the First World Lord?


The per capita GDP of the world is 11400 US dollars, and China has not even reached the world average!


So in the eyes of Americans, Chinese people must go hungry? China must be full of wars and famines. All men go to work as waiters, and all women go to factories to work as women workers?


Let"s assume that China is a country with a population of 1.4 billion and an American style system. But when China"s per capita GDP reaches US $25000, China becomes the largest economy in the world. What excuse will you find to stop China?


Rules? China certainly abides by WTO rules.


intellectual property right Chinese companies now own the most intellectual property rights. We have been following the rules and succeeding. We are not afraid of any rules, because as long as it is fair competition, the Chinese people are not afraid of everything. They just want a fair chance to compete.


Now you say that China does not abide by WTO rules. Okay, which rule?


If you have done international trade, you will know that there are many WTO lawsuits between all countries. This is normal. Disputes can be submitted to the WTO.


But now all the western media are denigrating the Chinese economy. Note that I am not talking about the whole country, but about Chinese companies. Chinese companies conduct business in your country and abide by your laws. If there is a problem, you can sue directly. Why do you say the rules of fair competition have been broken?


In international trade, when white people or westerners win, they are business elites.


When the Chinese win, they are liars, intellectual property thieves and swindlers.


Is this reasonable?


OK, let me say it again. The reason why China has the hope to become the largest economy is that it is a normal country with a large population and hopes that people can live better.


A better life for the Chinese people does not mean a worse life for you. China is not a colonial empire, nor will it become rich by exploiting the colonial people, as the West has done in the past 100 years.


Some Indian friends in the comment area refuted me. Well, I know you don"t like China, which doesn"t matter.


It is important to remember all the humiliations China has suffered today. When your per capita GDP in India reaches 10000 US dollars, you will become the next China. Today all the insults to China will happen to you again. Forty years ago, they stigmatized Japan. Now it is China, and in the future, it will be you!


Westerners don"t care if you are a democratic country. They just want to continue to rule people of other colors, including you! You can continue to dislike China, but don"t think the United States is your friend.



The First World countries you mentioned are actually in decline, decline and self destruction.


These First World countries succeeded mainly because imperialism and colonialism (rather than democracy) killed many people on many continents and exploited, robbed and stolen from many countries, making them Third World countries.


For thousands of years, before the so-called First World countries existed, China was one of the strongest, richest and most successful countries in the world. The past 150 years are just an anomaly in history. Soon China will return to its historical normality and become one of the most powerful, richest and successful countries in the world.


In less than 40 years, China has freed more than 700 million people from hunger and poverty and developed into the second largest economy, which may be the greatest miracle in human history.


At the same time, with the development of China"s economy, most countries in the world, especially the first world countries, benefited greatly from China"s rise. Countless companies from all over the world have made innumerable profits from China and in China, otherwise they would not have been able to obtain new economic growth points. Ordinary people and citizens, especially those in the First World countries, enjoy low-cost products made in China. Even if their real wages have not increased in recent decades, they can still maintain their living standards, especially in the United States.


As of 2019, China"s GDP is about 70% of that of the United States, and its per capita GDP is about 1/6 of that of the United States. China"s population is more than four times that of the United States. It is not difficult to predict that in the next 10 years, China"s per capita GDP will reach 1/4 of that of the United States, thus surpassing the United States to become the largest economy in the world.


China is already the largest trading partner of more than 100 countries in the world. In the first three months of 2020, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has become China"s largest trading partner, surpassing the EU and the United States. These are third world countries that many first world countries often despise and despise.


Without China and other third world countries producing goods that most people can afford, the West will never enjoy their current lifestyle, because most people, even in the first world countries, are unwilling and unable to afford more living expenses.


In short, I believe that the West has no reason to prevent the sustained economic development of China and other third world countries, that is, the destruction of mutual guarantees in economic and military terms, except for the groundless madness. I am also convinced that China will continue to develop its military strength to defend itself against all military provocations, especially those from the United States, and to destroy any invasion of its territory.


Examples of recent US military provocations against China:


The United States sent 60 spy planes to China in September;


• According to relevant Chinese institutions, the number of foreign military aircraft in the Yellow Sea region between China and the Korean Peninsula has increased significantly;


• According to the report, the increase in aerial refueling may indicate that the United States is preparing for future long-range missions in East Asia;


• US spy planes pose a "serious threat" to civil aviation airliners in the South China Sea;


• The US Air Force has used false identities at least 100 times this year, putting civilian flights at risk.



What should the United States do to stop China"s growth?


The United States has no choice but to carry out structural reform at home. China will continue to move towards a stronger manufacturing power by all means. The economic sanctions of the United States have the following characteristics and problems:


First, economic sanctions are targeted at individuals and companies. The United States ordered the freezing of its overseas assets or the prohibition of transactions, and required all countries with trade relations with the United States to strictly observe and monitor in real time. In today"s globalization, companies usually have subsidiaries overseas. Therefore, the US sanctions against China will not only affect Sino US trade relations, but also affect global trade relations including third countries, and even hinder the circulation and development of the global economy.


Second, sanctions will affect all transactions with the United States as the settlement currency through a chain reaction. As an international currency, the United States occupies a dominant position in international trade. Even in transactions in other countries, the US dollar will also be used as a medium to use the US bank account, which will make transactions smooth and optimize the use and management of funds. However, the sanctioned individuals or companies will not be able to conduct any dollar transactions. The United States will also monitor through the records displayed on SWIFT, which can be said to be intentional.


Third, sanctions are omnipresent. In the next few years, not only will the sanctioned legal persons be excluded from the transaction list, they will also face huge fines, and there is no appeal channel. The US judiciary has extended its tentacles to every corner of the world.


However, some experts from the US Treasury Department said that the success rate of seemingly thorough economic sanctions was only one third to two fifths. According to the above policies, there will be countermeasures below, and the other party will also take countermeasures to skillfully avoid sanctions.


There are major problems with US economic sanctions. A typical case of sanctions is monitoring transactions. The judicial authority of the United States transcends national boundaries in an attempt to achieve so-called power justice. However, countries have different attitudes towards the overseas use of US domestic laws, so the actual effect will be affected. In addition, sanctions that are overcorrected will be inaccurate, too late, and may even violate human rights or cause unfair, false and wrong cases.


Economic sanctions do not politicize economic and trade frictions. On the contrary, they can be seen as the economic and financialization of the political game.



Stop China"s growth? This is not a healthy attitude.


The best way to hinder China"s growth is to do a good job and surpass China"s development speed, as the United States did 200 years ago.


To do this, you must take the following steps.


1. Stop burning money for endless wars. Don"t spend money on killing people, but on saving. Invest more in the health system. The medical burden of American citizens has risen to an incredible level, which is a shame for the most developed country on the planet.


2. Stop creating conflict and chaos among ethnic groups at home and unite your people. How does a city or country thrive in riots and shootings? The life of black people is very important, which is the saddest thing in the history of the earth. Think about it, this is important, not others. It"s not about ruling the country, it"s important. For centuries, has it been so difficult to make black people cry for equality?


3. Educate your employees to work hard and don"t let them stay at home waiting for the pie to fall. Reduce the education burden of students, and create a better education system for ordinary people, not just the elite. Once your people receive a better education, they will find a way out of poverty. How can you expect an American citizen who can"t even speak English to regard Bangkok as the capital of China and contribute to the American economy without any common sense?


4. Change the arrogant state of mind of the government, start to learn from other countries, and deeply reflect on the current problems, rather than just diverting the public"s attention or looking for scapegoats.


You need a new government that represents not only the interests of the capitalists, but also the interests of the people. Who is most beneficial to the war. Who benefits most from the high cost of the healthcare system, the pharmaceutical giant, and who is most affected by all of the above factors? average person. Why does the US government not invest more money in infrastructure, create more jobs for local citizens, and make people travel more happily and with more dignity in its territory? Why is the old subway system still running? Will you take action in the next century?


6. Make a long-term development plan and stick to it, but do not waver every four to eight years. The current voting system is actually splitting the country and causing polarization to such a serious extent.


Every social system has its life span. Although there is no perfect eternal solution for the development of human society, we Americans now know which is going downhill and which is going uphill.

