奇宝库 > 【双语财讯】美就业市场持续降温 多项数据拉响警报 专家:美国衰退或已经开始福布斯科技业裁员潮经济学家

【双语财讯】美就业市场持续降温 多项数据拉响警报 专家:美国衰退或已经开始福布斯科技业裁员潮经济学家



Total employment increased by 236,000 in March—in line with economist expectations and marking the lowest monthly gain since December 2020, according to data released Friday by the Labor Department.劳工部7日发布的数据显示,3月美国总就业人数增加23.6万人,这是自2020年12月以来的最低月度增幅。

The report comes after the Labor Department on Thursday made revisions to its latest data on jobless claims, indicating Americans filed an additional 142,000 first-time unemployment claims over the past three weeks—up 24% from levels previously reported.此前,劳工部6日修正了最新的失业申请数据。数据显示过去三周,美国首次申请失业救济的人数增加了14.2万人,比之前报告的数字增加了24%。

The revisions fueled recession concerns that intensified this week, with "every major data point"—including jobless claims, manufacturing activity and construction spending—signaling the economy is slowing down and pushing some experts to worry it may be slowing down too quickly, says Sevens Report founder Tom Essaye.市场研究机构Sevens Report创始人汤姆·埃塞表示,最新修正的失业申请数据使专家对衰退的担忧加剧。失业申请人数、制造业活动和建筑支出等“每一项主要数据指标”都表明经济正在放缓,一些专家担心,经济放缓速度过快了。

"More likely than not, a recession is underway now," Comerica Bank chief economist Bill Adams said in a morning note, noting the updated Labor Department data means the uptick in continued jobless claims over the last six months is about as large as increases in recessions dating back to the 1970s.美国联信银行首席经济学家比尔·亚当斯在一份晨报中表示:“美国经济衰退可能已经开始。”



Over the past month, the layoffs have spread to other industries, with retail giant Walmart and fast-food chain McDonald"s among those cutting hundreds of jobs. On Thursday, outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported employers have cut roughly 270,400 jobs so far this year—a 396% jump from the same period in 2022.



